Every home has a general plumbing issue from time to time. Works Plumbing is ready to make a quick fix of some of the most common household plumbing repairs. Some of the most common issues include replacing water heaters, garbage disposals, toilets, and faucets. We also fix shower and tub valves, install ice lines as well as a variety of other plumbing jobs.
Water Heaters

Works Plumbing can help you with your gas, electric, powervent or tankless water heater. We can replace your water heater with one you have purchased yourself or we can supply you one of our own. Either way, you can count on a quality installation done right.
Every home has had times when the toilet functions less than perfectly. Whether you need to replace parts, unclog a toilet or install a whole new toilet, we can make sure you get taken care of quickly.
Faucets are such a central part of our daily lives we often just take them for granted until something stops working. Bathroom and kitchen faucets can be repaired or replaced easily so you can be problem free.
Tub / Shower Valves
Tub or shower control valves require specialty tools and experience. They are recommended to be repaired by a qualified technician. From stopping an annoying leak to the installation of multi-head shower systems and complete renovations, Works Plumbing has done it all.
It’s Only a Small Drip…Right?
Slow drips of water can add up quickly. A toilet that “keeps running” after you flush or a sink that drips after it is turned off can waste thousands of gallons of water a year. If the drip is hot water, you are paying for wasted energy too. Leaks should be fixed as soon as you find them. A leak won’t go away on their own.
Locating Water Leaks
Works Plumbing has the experience and tools to locate some of the most difficult to find leaks. If you have gone through all the basics of trying to locate the water leak, we can investigate deeper to help find the cause and get it repaired quickly.
BackWater Valves

One of the worst nightmares for a homeowner is the flooding of their basement from a backed up sewer line. Raw sewage in a basement, especially a finished one, can cause damage that is difficult and costly to repair, while also creating health hazards. With high rain levels, some homeowners have had to deal with this very unpleasant situation more than once.
While cities and municipalities work relentlessly to clean and inspect sewer main lines, it is still possible for a sewer main to plug up and allow water and sewage to flow into the dwellings it serves.
Works Plumbing can assess your situation and give you advice on the need for a backwater valve in your home or business plumbing system.